secondhand shopping

Secondhand Shopping Has Deep Roots

I got my love of shopping resale shops from my mom. When I was growing up, she always knew the best places to go. While my friends at school would show up wearing the latest trends (and basically all looking like different versions of the same thing) I would come in wearing my own eclectic style. When asked where my clothes came from, I would just shrug and say, “my mom picked it up somewhere.” Back then I was embarrassed because I really wanted to wear the newest looks like my friends, but now I think it would have been great to wear a uniform to school. I recently met my mom for lunch and I noticed she was driving a different car than the last time I saw her. When I questioned her about it, she said she picked it up at the “secondhand place.” I looked at her for a few moments and said, “you mean the used car lot?” The only way her response could have been better would be if she had said she got it online.

Many different industries use uniforms and dress codes. From the military that regulate everything from outerwear to undergarments to businesses that say "just wear a black or navy blazer with a white shirt." I spent a decade working for a major retailer that required us to wear a black suit or a black dress. We didn't sell apparel and there was no online shopping in those days so I frequently spent my time off shopping for more black items to add to my wardrobe rotation.

Supporting a circular economy thru uniform consignment is a win/win situation. A portion of all military uniform sales goes back to the service member who provided the uniforms and people shopping for specific uniform items can find pieces in excellent condition at a fraction of the retail price. 

For more information about consigning with Second Tour Uniforms, contact us at

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